Quantitative Research Methods Code:  M1.367    Credits:  4
View general information   Description   The subject within the syllabus as a whole   Professional fields to which it applies   Prior knowledge   Learning objectives and results   Content   View the UOC learning resources used in the subject   Additional information on support tools and learning resources   Additional information on bibliography and information sources   Methodology   Guidelines on assessment at the UOC   View assessment model   Continuous assessment   Final assessment   Feedback  
This is the course plan for the second semester of the academic year 2023/2024. To check whether the course is being run this semester, go to the Virtual Campus section More UOC / The University / Programmes of study section on Campus. Once teaching starts, you'll be able to find it in the classroom. The course plan may be subject to change.
This course is part of the following Master's Degrees in Economics and Business Studies from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC): Digital Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resources Management and Management, and Sustainable Tourism and ICT. It is offered in Catalan and Spanish. It is based on a course where content related to statistics and the application they have in the study of sharing economy is worked.

The main objective of the course is to provide the student with a map of the various quantitative (statistical) methods that can be used in any study on the economic environment, and also to provide the minimum methodological guidelines to face an orderly, rigorous analysis with useful and understandable conclusions.

It is not the objective of the subject to know in detail each of the quantitative techniques that will be presented and, consequently, will not have a high formal level, e neither mathematically nor statistically. The aim will be to have, at the end of the course, a group of techniques with the corresponding examples of applied use and the appropriate computer tools, so that the student, at the time of initiating an investigation, knows how to raise the problem, develop it in his hypotheses and previous theoretical assumptions, provide it with empirical content through the location of the necessary statistical data and use the most appropriate quantitative technique according to the objectives of the research posed.


This course is part of the research itinerary of the University Masters of Economics and Business Studies of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). It is a course where content related to statistics and the application they have in the study of sharing economy is worked. This subject is complemented by the subject of "Qualitative Research Methods" to guide students towards research and doctoral.


This subject is oriented to the training of students who want to develop research work in the field of economics and business, and who want to continue their training in the third cycle with a doctorate.


To study and pass this subject it is advisable a prior basic knowledge of the student of the fundamentals of statistics. However, although the subject has a strong profile applied, the necessary material will be made available to students to ensure that sufficient theoretical knowledge is acquired, with respect to the different topics covered in this field, to achieve the proposed teaching objectives.


Cross-cutting competencies:

  1. Analyze, synthesize and develop critical and thoughtful thinking, based on academic knowledge and knowledge applied to professional practice.
  2. Ability to deliver value to organizations using information and communication technologies in an advanced way.

Specific competencies:

  1. Apply advanced information analysis methodologies for better decision-making in the professional field of discipline.
  2. Exercise research tasks and / or advice and / or training, internal and / or external, in the field of study.
  3. Achieve the capacity for the use and application of ICTs in the academic and professional field of discipline.

Learning results (general):

  • Provide the student with a map of the various statistical methods that are there and that are likely to be used in any research on sharing economy.
  • Identify which techniques are most appropriate for analyzing time-cutting data and which are for cross-sectional data.
  • Identify which techniques are best suited for studying dependency or interdependence relationships between variables.
  • To offer the minimum methodological guidelines to face an orderly, rigorous analysis with useful and understandable conclusions.
  • Present computer tools that allow the techniques studied to work smoothly.


This course is based, on the one hand, on the work on various case studies and, on the other hand, on the application of different statistical techniques for the study of sharing economy. All this work will be directed towards the establishment of quantitative foundations to develop further research.

This course has an eminently practical approach. The intuitive approach of the subject from the case studies (tabs) will allow to work in the same way, that is, intuitively, the different statistical concepts that appear.

Different techniques will be worked on, conceptually distinguishing between univariants and multivariates. These techniques will allow us to work both time-cutting and cross-sectional data, as well as explore possible relationships of dependency or interdependence between variables.

For each of the techniques, the main formal characteristics, the requirements of statistical information for their use and the conclusions derived from their study will be analyzed. For this analysis a series of basic bibliographic references will be provided, which you can consult in the same material.

All calculations that will require work with the different statistical techniques will be done with the help of the R-Commander statistical package, applied on different case studies.

The contents to be worked on in each continuous evaluation test are as follows:

G - Continuous evaluation test 1

- Index numbers

- Center and scatter measurements

- Graphic representation

- Statistical inference

- Contrast of hypotheses

- Analysis of the variance

G - Continuous evaluation test 2

- Time series

- Simple linear regression

- Multiple linear regression

- Linear correlation

G - Continuous evaluation test 3

- Indicadores sintéticos

- Análisis factorial

- Análisis clúster

- Escalas multidimensionales métricas

- Análisis de correspondencias

G - Continuous evaluation test 4

- Contingency tables

- Discriminatory analysis

- Logistic regression

- Analysis of joint measures

- Automatic interaction detector


Material Support
Fitxes d'estadística Web
Fichas de estadística Web
Models de regressió i anàlisi multivariant amb R-Commander PDF
Distribucions de probabilitat i inferència estadística amb R-Commander PDF
Anàlisi de dades i estadística descriptiva amb R i R-Commander PDF
Modelos de regresión y análisis multivariante con R-Commander PDF
Distribuciones de probabilidad e inferencia estadística con R-Commander PDF
Análisis de datos y estadística descriptiva con R y R-Commander PDF


Different resources and teaching materials will be available for the work in the subject. First of all, we will have a reference article that will allow us to open the first debate of the subject:

  • Oskam, J. & Boswijk, A. (2016), "Airbnb: the future of networked hospitality business", Journal of Tourism Futures, 2(1), 2242. DOI: 10.1108/JTF1120150048
Secondly, for the 4 Continuous Assessment Tests of the course, in which different statistical techniques will be worked, statistical data sheets will be available which, in general, will be divided into two parts:

- Theoretical part: where the basic definitions are presented to understand the different statistical concepts, as well as different bibliographic references.

- Practical part: where by using the R-Commander statistical package, statistical concepts are applied to the study of different case studies.

Finally, thirdly, and as a course work tool, we will have the R-Commander statistical package, which we will use to perform the calculations that are necessary, both to reproduce the case studies of the tabs and to respond to the different continuous evaluation activities. In order to guide students in the use of this program, a user manual will be provided, among other resources.


  • Canavos, G. (1992). Probabilidad y estadística : aplicaciones y métodos. Madrid [etc.]: McGraw-Hill, DL 1992. ISBN: 8448100387.
  • Hair, J.F., Anderson, R.E., & Tatham, R.L. (1999). Análisis multivariante / traducción: Esme Prentice, Diego Cano revisión técnica y compilación de las lecturas complementarias: Mónica Gómez Suárez. Madrid [etc.] : Prentice Hall, cop. 1999. ISBN: 8483220350
  • Moore, David S. (2004). Estadística aplicada básica / David S. Moore traducción y adaptación de Jordi Comas. Barcelona : Antoni Bosch, DL 2004. ISBN: 8495348047
  • Newbold, Paul (1997). Estadística para los negocios y la economía / Paul Newbold. Madrid [etc.] : Prentice Hall, cop. 1997. ISBN: 8489660069
  • Novales Cinca, A. (1997). Estadística y econometría. Madrid [etc.]: McGraw-Hill, 1997. ISBN: 8448107985
  • Pedret Yebra, Ramon (2000). Herramientas para segmentar mercados y posicionar productos : análisis de información cuantitativa en investigación comercial / Ramón Pedret, Laura Sagnier, Francesc Camp. Bilbao : Deusto, 2000. ISBN: 84234177441
  • Teodoro Luque Martínez (2000). Técnicas de análisis de datos en investigación de mercados / Madrid : Pirámide, cop. 2000. ISBN: 8436814169


It is the objective of the course to learn how to work with different statistical techniques and with the R-Commander statistical package. In order to develop an eminently practical course, we will apply these techniques to the study of sharing economy. The work of the subject consists of 2 Debates and 4 Continuous Assessment Tests.

Considering that the "excuse" for statistical learning is to set up research work in this field, we will follow the preset (and guidance) section scheme of a scientific article. Within each section there will be brief explanations of what would be appropriate to develop, with an indicative description, a commentary and an example. 

For the preparation of the research article, we will refer to the following article:

  • Oskam, J. & Boswijk, A. (2016), "Airbnb: the future of networked hospitality business", Journal of Tourism Futures, 2(1), 2242. DOI: 10.1108/JTF1120150048

Reading this article and participating in the first debate will help us to establish the contents of the first sections.

Next, with the 4 Continuous Assessment Tests, in which we will use a database containing information about Airbnb in Barcelona, we will develop content that we can place in what will be the central section of the course, the section corresponding to the empirical analysis. These activities will work on different statistical techniques that will allow to "build" a new article. These techniques will be introduced with the help of statistical data sheets which, in general, will be divided into two parts:

- Theoretical part: the basic definitions are presented to understand the different statistical concepts, as well as different bibliographic references.

- Practical part: by using the R-Commander statistical package, statistical concepts are applied to the study of different case studies.

Finally, to complete the research work with the final conclusions, a second debate will take place where, with the input of all, we can share different interpretations and analyses of the same object of study.

The assessment of the subject will be based on participation in the 2 discussions of the course, as well as the resolution of the issues raised in the 4 Continuous Assessment Tests.


The course's working methodology is based on the active use by students and the consultant of the tools available on the virtual campus. Through the communication tools currently available in the classroom, the consultant's interaction with students will be established in accordance with the following guidelines:

Teacher Plank: This is the basic space of communication of the consultant with students. Your consultation is essential for the correct follow-up of the course since throughout the semester you will be able to find, among others, the following information:

  • Guidance to face the study of each teaching module, with indications on the points of greatest and least importance, their degree of difficulty, etc.
  • Specification of the activities to be carried out in order to follow the continuous evaluation, as well as their presentation requirements, delivery dates, etc.
  • Sharing of answers to particular questions and doubts deemed to be of general interest to the group.
  • Indications for the resolution of the ongoing evaluation activities proposed.

Forum: This is a space open to the initiatives of students and the teaching consultant of the subject, where they can consider:

  • Doubts, comments and issues related to the contents of the subject that students wish to share with their peers.
  • Current topics related to the subject that students or the consultant wish to share and discuss.
  • Comments, observations of errors, suggestions for the improvement of the subject material.
  • Indications for the correct monitoring of some developments of the material.

Discussion: In this space there will be the discussion of both the reference article (at the beginning of the semester) and the main conclusions reached with the work carried out in the different continuous evaluation test (at the end of the semester).


The classroom structure is oriented to learning planning based on Continuous Assessment Tests. For each Continuous Assessment Tests the main dates to be taken into account will be given:

1. Sending the statement

2. Delivering answers

3. Sending the solution

4. Ratings

This planning proposes a temporaryization for the study of the subject, taking into account the time that it is advisable to dedicate in general to each of the blocks and each of the SSP. And while it is the student himself who will end up marking his particular pace of study, the one proposed here is designed because the continuous evaluation that has been established for the subject can be adequately followed.


The assessment process is based on the student's personal work and presupposes authenticity of authorship and originality of the exercises completed.

Lack of authenticity of authorship or originality of assessment tests, copying or plagiarism, the fraudulent attempt to obtain a better academic result, collusion to copy or concealing or abetting copying, use of unauthorized material or devices during assessment, inter alia, are offences that may lead to serious academic or other sanctions.

Firstly, you will fail the course (D/0) if you commit any of these offences when completing activities defined as assessable in the course plan, including the final tests. Offences considered to be misconduct include, among others, the use of unauthorized material or devices during the tests, such as social media or internet search engines, or the copying of text from external sources (internet, class notes, books, articles, other students' essays or tests, etc.) without including the corresponding reference.

And secondly, the UOC's academic regulations state that any misconduct during assessment, in addition to leading to the student failing the course, may also lead to disciplinary procedures and sanctions.

The UOC reserves the right to request that students identify themselves and/or provide evidence of the authorship of their work, throughout the assessment process, and by the means the UOC specifies (synchronous or asynchronous). For this purpose, the UOC may require students to use a microphone, webcam or other devices during the assessment process, and to make sure that they are working correctly.

The checking of students' knowledge to verify authorship of their work will under no circumstances constitute a second assessment.


You can only pass the course if you participate in and pass the continuous assessment. Your final mark for the course will be the mark you received in the continuous assessment.

Weighting of marks

Option to pass the course: Continuous assessment

Final course mark: Continuous assessment


The subject evaluation system is continuous evaluation. It is a formative evaluation that is based on the progressive accompaniment of the student's development in a personalized way during the semester. Each activity is closely linked to the competencies the student must acquire and certain learning outcomes that he or she has to show favourably throughout the process. For this reason, all activities are important, as they contribute progressively to a carefully designed learning process.

In the context of a master's degree, the interaction between student and teacher is considered essential in order to guarantee the progress of the student in his/her learning process, as well as to be able to anticipate and overcome any difficulties that may arise. Punctuality in the delivery of activities is considered essential. Out-of-time submitted solutions will be considered as un-delivered.

Therefore, the course evaluation model is EC, and all EC activities have a weight in the final grade.

The Continuous Assessment of the subject will be based on participation in the 2 discussions of the course, as well as the resolution of the issues raised in the 4 continuous evaluation test. The weight of each Debate in the final continuous evaluation note is 5%, the weight of the first continuous evaluation test is 16%, the weight of the second 22%, the third 30%, and the fourth 22%.

To have a continuous assessment note, the student must submit at least two of the proposed SGP (in the prescribed timeframes and forms) and have participated in at least one of the two Course Discussions.

Copying and plagiarism in continuous evaluation

Plagiarism means the use of paper sources (books and articles, including UOC teaching modules) or documentation present on the network, without making a subpoena of provenance and making them pass on their own.

The delivery of continuous evaluation activities is defined as a copy using partially or entirely identical texts extracted from the work of other students or authors and/or other semesters. The students involved will be responsible without the relevant link between them.

To avoid plagiarism, we may consider the following suggestions:

  • You don't have to use someone else's ideas without knowing the source
  • You don't have to put an argument of another as if it were your own
  • When developing an idea you don't have to present a foreign thought as if it were your own
  • One contribution cannot be based on the development of one thought accurate to that of another
  • You don't have to put your own ideas exactly the same way someone else has, even though the source is identified.

All exercises delivered by students for evaluation will be processed by plagiarism detection and copying software. Plagiarism and copying cases may have been identified by this software, as well as through the consultant's own correction and evaluation of the exercise.

In case of detecting plagiarism in the work delivered to evaluate, the actions for all involved will be as follows:
  • Activity delivered with a D is suspended
  • In case of recidivism, the student suspends the subject (the final grade will be D).
  • This behavior will be reflected in a record available to all teachers in case it considers it appropriate to review the other activities of continuous evaluation of the ongoing subjects of the students involved.

In case of detecting copying or reiteration of plagiarism, together with the actions commented, from the legal advice disciplinary procedure will be initiated in accordance with the academic regulations of the UOC.

The teacher responsible for the subject will inform the students involved of these actions by means of a message addressed to their personal mailboxes. It will also inform the Program Directorate of these facts.


The subject evaluation system is continuous evaluation: the final grade of the subject is the final grade of the continuous evaluation.

In the case of students who have suspended the subject with a C- grade, and who only have an unedified or unperfited continuous evaluation test, they will be able to take an additional Test within the teaching period of the subject. This test will refer to all the contents of the subject. Your note will replace the uneed or exceeded test.


On the dates provided for in the teaching planning of the subject, the statements of the continuous evaluation tests will be provided. Once the delivery time is over, the solution of the activities can be accessed in the form of standard responses, which will be an important tool when preparing the subject. It should be noted that the meaning of the model responses is to allow one's own responses to be contrasted, and that successes and errors are detected, thus carrying out a self-assessment work.

By means of the continuous evaluation record, the note for each evaluation test will be accessed. The consultant shall enter the qualifications within the time limit specified in the timetable and, where appropriate, indicate the most frequent errors, outstanding contributions and aspects of interest, among others, that have been detected in the task of correcting the activities delivered. The same continuous evaluation record (in balloon next to the note) will also provide personalized feedback to all students deemed appropriate, according to their learning process and the follow-up of the subject.
