Consulta de les dades generals Descripció L'assignatura en el conjunt del pla d'estudis Camps professionals en què es projecta Coneixements previs Informació prèvia a la matrícula Objectius i competències Continguts Consulta dels recursos d'aprenentatge de la UOC per a l'assignatura Informació addicional sobre els recursos d'aprenentatge i eines de suport Metodologia Informació sobre l'avaluació a la UOC Consulta del model d'avaluació Avaluació continuada | |||||
Aquest és el pla docent de l'assignatura per al primer semestre del curs 2024-2025. Podeu consultar si l'assignatura s'ofereix aquest semestre a l'espai del campus Més UOC / La universitat / Plans d'estudis). Un cop comenci la docència, heu de consultar-lo a l'aula. El pla docent pot estar subjecte a canvis. | |||||
This course is a general overview to Intellectual Property Rights protection and their use by PhD students. Intellectual Property Rights are here understood in their wider sense, including royalties and copyright, patents and utility models, brands and design rights, as well as commercial secrets. |
In Introduction to patents and intellectual property protection we introduce the students to the wide range of possibilities that are available to protect the research results. Although the course was originally thought for industrial doctorate students, it has been opened to all the people interested in learning the options for intellectual property protection. In addition, parts of this course intersect with contents from the Free Software Msc. |
This course has two main objectives:
This course requires no prior knowledge on the topics, although some basic knowledge in video recording is advisable. |
It also requires some knowledge of English equivalent to B1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages. Both the materials and the tutoring will be delivered in english. |
Competences: The main competences of the course will consist on: Basic competences: A) Students will have the learning skills to allow them to continue studying in a self-directed or autonomous way.
Specific competences: B) Overview of the legal framework of legal protection and exploitation of the R+D results. C) Identify the R+D+I results which are liable to legal protection and to distinguish between 'intellectual' and 'industrial' results. D) Protect the R+D+I results, both under the figure of intellectual property (royalties/copyright) and under the figures of industrial property (patents, models, designs and brands), together with their reach and limitations. E) Acknowledge the own royalties, as well as the rights of other parts involved in the R+D+I: the university, the company, and other collaborators. F) Manage the most relevant legal aspects within an R+D+I project. G) Draw up and negotiate the most important elements of the transference contract or exploitation license of the R+D results. H) Decide between exploitation through open licenses / open access or a more proprietary model. |
The course will be divided in 7 different topics, with specific activities that will be assessed during the course. Essentially the syllabus will be:
The materials located in space Classroom resources will help further the goals of the course. The tutors will use the Message Board, which is classroom space communication, and will provide documents and other information to complement previous and explanatory videos on specific topics. |
The teaching methodology will be based in the continuous assessment of a set of activities that will be provided in the virtual campus. This is an activity based online course, you fix your on pace and you decide when you dedicate your time to the module. There are only specific deadlines for delivering the activities. Essentially you will be provided by: - A set of learning resources: video lectures, pdf documents and examples. - Specific delivery instructions for each activity. The student is supposed to visualize the video lectures and resources, and ask any doubt in the forum boards of the course. The active participation in the forum, asking questions, answering questions from other students and posting opinions in the open debates is highly recommended in the course. You will have academic tutors that will answer your questions in the forum boards, and they will guide you through the learning process. Many of the activities delivered will be corrected and appropriate feedback will be provided. The nature of this course involves the delivering of a short oral presentation. Students should prepare an appropriate environment to record themselves delivering oral presentations. The basic methodology of the course is learning practicing. |
El procés d'avaluació es fonamenta en el treball personal de l'estudiant i pressuposa l'autenticitat de l'autoria i l'originalitat dels exercicis realitzats. La manca d'autenticitat en l'autoria o d'originalitat de les proves d'avaluació; la còpia o el plagi; l'intent fraudulent d'obtenir un resultat acadèmic millor; la col·laboració, l'encobriment o l'afavoriment de la còpia, o la utilització de material o dispositius no autoritzats durant l'avaluació, entre d'altres, són conductes irregulars que poden tenir conseqüències acadèmiques i disciplinàries greus. D'una banda, si es detecta alguna d'aquestes conductes irregulars, pot comportar el suspens (D/0) en les activitats avaluables que es defineixin en el pla docent - incloses les proves finals - o en la qualificació final de l'assignatura, sigui perquè s'han utilitzat materials o dispositius no autoritzats durant les proves, com ara xarxes socials o cercadors d'informació a internet, perquè s'han copiat fragments de text d'una font externa (internet, apunts, llibres, articles, treballs o proves d'altres estudiants, etc.) sense la citació corresponent, o perquè s'ha practicat qualsevol altra conducta irregular. De l'altra, i d'acord amb les normatives acadèmiques, les conductes irregulars en l'avaluació, a més de comportar el suspens de l'assignatura, poden donar lloc a la incoació d'un procediment disciplinari i a l'aplicació, si escau, de la sanció que correspongui. La UOC es reserva la potestat de sol·licitar a l'estudiant que s'identifiqui o que acrediti l'autoria del seu treball al llarg de tot el procés d'avaluació pels mitjans que estableixi la Universitat (síncrons o asíncrons). A aquests efectes, la UOC pot exigir a l'estudiant l'ús d'un micròfon, una càmera o altres eines durant l'avaluació i que s'asseguri que funcionen correctament. La verificació dels coneixements per garantir l'autoria de la prova no implicarà en cap cas una segona avaluació. |
Ponderació de les qualificacions
Opció per superar l'assignatura: AC
Nota final d'assignatura: AC |
The student will solve four Continuous Assessment Activities related to the course. In particular:
CAA 1: In this CAA we propose to think about an idea or invention from your own research / productive entity, and present it in an understandable way to your fellows. You will record a presentation and submit it to the virtual classroom.
CAA 2: Reading of a document related to the legal framework of intellectual property (if it is possible a official document regulating the field, from the European Union). The activity could be the writing of a report (3 or 4 pages) answering questions about this report.
CAA 3: A practical exercise where the student should fill a form to patent his/her invention. We could use the US forms (https://www.uspto.gov/patent/patents-forms), or European (https://www.epo.org/applying/forms-fees.html)
CAA 4: We will provide the student with the text of several licenses (CC, CC-BY, CC-BY-NC, Apache SL, MIT License). Students should emphasize the main similarities and differences among these licenses, and write a report with summary (tabular) of the main aspects covered on each license.
CAA Optional 1: Search for a patent in the US system to assess the novelty of a patent claim. |