Database Architecture
© Alberto Abelló Gamazo, Roberto García, Rosa M. Gil Iranzo, Oscar Romero, Marta Oliva
All rights reserved
© of this edition, FUOC, 2012
Av. Tibidabo, 39-43, 08035 Barcelona
Design: Manel Andreu
Publishing: Eureca Media, SL
Know two extensions to the classical relational model, which: a) capture more semantics (i.e., object-oriented extension) and benefit from them, and b) represent semi-structured data (i.e., XML), validate and retrieve them.
Understand the benefits and means to partition and distribute data.
Know the different ways to integrate schemas and data.
Understand the responsibilities of a database administrator from the security point of view.
Understand confidentiality threats and solutions available in relational DBMSs.
Learn new concurrency control techniques beyond simple locking (i.e., multi-granule locking, multi-version locking and timestamping).
Understand the benefits and means to work with in-memory data.
Know how a data manager works and guarantees recovery (i.e., logging and backup).
Understand new transaction models and mechanisms appropriate for highly distributed systems.
Understand the benefits of parallel execution of queries.
Know the modifications that must be introduced in a query manager to deal with the distribution of data and execution.